CCDG Psychologist Freedman on Divorce & Holidays: Divorced Families Face Challenges This Year

CCDG Psychologist Bruce Freedman, Ph.D.
In normal circumstances, separating or divorcing families face new and daunting challenges during the holidays. This year is even more complicated. When it comes to divorce and the holiday season, consider how a Collaborative Divorce may be be particularly effective for families, children and the parents who may be alone.
“Many families are struggling to organize and negotiate plans for holiday get-togethers. Covid restrictions and fear of infection have greatly complicated these plans. For divorcing or divorced couples this becomes even more challenging. With strained relationships, it is harder to trust the judgment and safety precautions of the other parent.
As guidance, Judge JoAnn Johnson of the Family Court in Ventura, CA, notes that Covid-19, and related ‘fear, concern, or belief’ by one parent, without specific facts, is not a sufficient basis to change existing custody and visitation orders. In keeping with the spirit of these guidelines, parents should endeavor to work together to figure out how to honor existing holiday orders for the benefit of their children. Collaborative is often a basis for success in getting parents to work together — making times like these that much easier for all involved.”