Psychologist Wendy Habelow, Ph.D.

National Children’s Day: How to Honor the Children in Your Life When Divorcing

Reflecting on the celebration known as National Children’s Day in the United States, which happens annually in June, we in Collaborative Divorce recognize the need to refocus on the important things. Taking one day may not be enough, but using it as an opportunity to redirect behaviors may be an important step in a child’s life.

CCDG Mental Health Professional Wendy Habelow shares: “While traditional litigated divorce focuses on parents’ rights, attorneys’ arguments and judges’ pronouncements, Collaborative Divorce honors children by placing them front and center of the divorce process. There is a team of professionals (attorneys, behavioral health professional and financial professional) who works with parents to help them to create parenting and financial plans that focus on their children’s needs and best interests. Further, by promoting fairness, civility, transparency, and compromise, Collaborative Divorce increases the likelihood that parents will have a civil and respectful co-parenting relationship both during and post-divorce. This allows children to enjoy fulfilling relationships with both parents with minimal conflict and stress, and models for children how to negotiate and resolve differences successfully and respectfully.”