Nasty Pitt-Jolie Divorce Will Play Out in Public – But Not All Divorces Have To

CCDG Divorce Attorney Robert Fried
“Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s Divorce Fight Could Last 6 More Years, Cost Millions.”
I just saw that header. What it doesn’t say is that their nasty divorce battle will be played out in public and everyone will be able to read about their dirty laundry and who did what to whom. Did I forget to add that their children are caught in the middle and are being pulled one way and then the other? The children also will hear about the bad things their parents allegedly did and will know their friends have heard the same stories – allegations of verbal and physical abuse of children, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, and more.
It does not matter if a divorce is high profile, high income, high net worth or the way most people live. If you’re divorcing, consider if you want to have a bitter custody fight involving your children, if you’re fighting for what is in the children’s best interests…or yours, and if you want to spend many thousands of dollar on attorneys.
If not, you do have a choice. You can choose to stay out of the courtroom, stay out of the public eye and negotiate your divorce issues privately, using the collaborative process with professionals trained to help you. Choose to divorce with dignity. Choose to negotiate your differences. If not for you, do it for your children.
If you live in Connecticut and want more information on collaborative divorce, call me at 860-728-6644.