Elaine Ducharme, Ph.D
Author of, "Must I Turn the Other Cheek"
Glastonbury,CT 06033
(860) 633-8962 (voice)
(860) 652-8823 (fax)
Elaine Ducharme, Ph.D.
Dr. Ducharme is a board certified clinical psychologist. She has worked with children and families for over 30 years with a specialty in Trauma and Abuse. She has seen the destruction that regularly occurs in litigated divorces. As a divorce coach she is committed to helping families divorce with dignity and with as little damage to the children as possible. She understands that children can survive divorce but that they truly suffer during on-going conflict.
Dr. Ducharme works regularly with parents post-divorce to help them resolve differences and co-parent effectively.
Dr. Ducharme is the co-president of Connecticut Collaborative divorce Group, and a member of the International Association of Collaborative Professionals as well as the Connecticut Council for Non-Adversarial Divorce. An active member of the American Psychological Association, she serves as the Public Education Coordinator for Connecticut. She is the author of two books on trauma and abuse and appears regularly on local radio and television to educate the public about mental health issues and divorce concerns.
Dr. Ducharme holds a Bachelor’s degree from Boston University in Nursing, A Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology from Oakland University and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Detroit.