Collaborative Divorce: A Popular Alternative to Litigation

CCDG Divorce Attorney Robert Fried
By Attorney Robert B. Fried
The divorce process takes an emotional and financial toll on the parties going through it. And, unfortunately, the emotional aspects can affect the children as well who are seeing their world turned upside down. Where are the children going to live? With whom? When will they see the other parent? Why are their parents fighting?
And when a divorce takes a turn toward litigation and the attorneys are fighting zealously for their clients, a divorce case can really turn ugly. Over the last couple of decades, there has been a real push toward respect and civility in divorces; dial it back a little (or a lot!).
Last year in California, the Collaborative Divorce California group took that to heart and created “Divorce With Respect Week.” Over 200 Collaborative Professionals participated in a weeklong event — a number of California cities liked the idea and declared Nov. 1-5, 2021, as Divorce With Respect. California has the right idea.
The Collaborative Divorce process has existed in Connecticut since early 2001 and has become a popular alternative to litigation. Collaborative Divorce is a gentler, kinder way to divorce. If you are considering a divorce, help your family, help your children, and contact any one of our CCDG collaborative professionals to learn more.