CCDG Psychologist Wendy Habelow on Mental Illness Awareness Week: Mental Health Professional Provides Support in Collaborative Divorce

Psychologist Wendy F. Habelow
This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week. When it comes to divorce when mental illness is involved, a Collaborative Divorce might be a helpful approach for clients who have mental health issues.
In a Collaborative Divorce, partners are able to discuss mental health conditions and needs with safety and understanding, without fear of it being used against them in court.
“Behavioral health conditions cannot be lumped into a single category. Each condition has its own unique aspects and needs. Further, within each condition there is significant variability in symptoms and ability to function. As many chronic health conditions differ widely person to person and have symptoms that wax and wane or go into remission, so too do behavioral health symptoms, said CCDG Psychologist Wendy Habelow. “Having a behavioral health specialist on the collaborative team gives the clients and professionals the ability to consult with an expert to help with many aspects of the divorce settlement, including parenting schedule and income capacity. Plans can be created and agreements made that consider the possibility that symptoms may worsen and make provisions accordingly.”