CCDG Psychologist Abby Cole on Mental Illness Awareness Week: Collaborative Supports All Parties in Divorce

Abby Cole, Ph.D.
This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week. When it comes to divorce when mental illness is involved, a Collaborative Divorce might be less disruptive for clients who have mental health issues.
“Divorce can be particularly traumatic for spouses with serious mental health problems,” said CCDG Psychologist Abby Cole. “They may fault themselves for the breakdown of the marriage, and their spouse may also be leveling accusations and blame, all of which conspire to weaken an already-vulnerable sense of self. The traditional court system is trying even for the healthiest litigants; people who are emotionally vulnerable will be further hurt by the public nature of the court process, the disruptive schedule of court appearances and the general hostility embedded in this type of divorce. In contrast, Collaborative teams aim to support all clients, protecting them with privacy, decency and predictability. Our aim is to help families transition through divorce peaceably, so that both spouses are able to move forward into the future without new divorce-related pain or trauma.”