CCDG Attorney Deborah Eisenberg on Mental Illness Awareness Week: Collaborative Can Help Identify, Address Mental Health Issues During Divorce

Attorney Deborah Eisenberg
This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week. When it comes to divorce when mental illness is involved, a Collaborative Divorce attorney might be able to work differently with clients who have mental health issues.
“During the collaborative process, mental health issues can be more easily identified and addressed than in the conventional divorce process. The mental health professional on the team can confirm what an attorney may suspect from speaking individually with his or her client, and can recommend appropriate treatment promptly and discreetly,” said CCDG Attorney Deborah Eisenberg.
“Also, if a party has a mental health issue, such an issue is apt to be amplified during a routine team-wide settlement conference when emotions are heightened and on full display. This is in contrast to the conventional divorce process where it is easier for a client’s mental health needs to remain hidden. Again, the divorce coach can recommend necessary treatment. Additionally, if the parties’ children are suffering from any mental health issues, the collaborative team can discuss these issues and address them promptly.”