CCDG Attorney Newman on Nat’l Child-Centered Divorce Awareness Month
By Attorney Ann Newman

Attorney Ann Newman
The month of January tends to see a spike in divorce filings, so it is no coincidence that January is recognized as National Child-Centered Divorce Awareness Month, a time dedicated to alerting parents about the effects of divorce on children – and how to prevent emotional and psychological damage to children during and after a divorce.
“It is said that Collaborative Divorces can be a win- win situation. This is true, especially where children are involved. If life is messy, then divorces can feel like a cyclone has hit your family. You and your family may be feeling anger, fear, confusion amidst the conflict of a divorce. The Collaborative process provides a team of trained professionals, including a child specialist, to help you create a separation agreement and workable parenting plan for a smoother transition. It will help reduce the tension and chaos felt by you and your children. Unlike in a litigated divorce, in a Collaborative Divorce your children always come first.”